Why Animal Crossing is the perfect game for Millennials

Amy Falbo

Sep 16, 2021

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When someone says ‘perfect video game’ what do you think of? Maybe it’s a nostalgic classic, or perhaps it’s a polished-to-perfection recent title? A pocket sized monster title? An infinitely powerful pink blob adventure? It could be anything, really.

In my case, my perfect video game is

Let me explain to you why Animal Crossing, is exactly what us 20-to-30-something year olds needed. It is a blend of timing, content, and bluntly, absolute escapism that makes this game so ready to be marked a winner. We can add nostalgia to the list as well, but that doesn’t take nearly as much explanation.

First things first, we can talk about the timing of the newest release. March 20th, 2020. Otherwise known to some as ‘The Month lockdown started’. In my personal experience, those days were trapped in a whirlwind of world events, personal struggle, and the unknown. It may be dramatic, but waiting for a game release helped the anxious days seem bearable. Its content may seem mundane, directionless, or even tedious to some people. But I’m here to yell it from the rooftops -WE NEEDED THAT!

If you were like me, you were temporarily unemployed. I used to have a set schedule and wake up time, and once I didn't, I fell apart. I needed some sort of goal for the day, whether big or small. Losing my structure meant my mind short-circuited and I ended up doing absolutely nothing, for days on end. If I greeted all my villagers, saw the shop stock, and did a loop around my island, I could at least trick myself into thinking I got something done, and go on to my next real-world task at home.

Now, let’s discuss WHY people swarmed to this game. It’s simple, three key ideas. Home, friends, and time. Let’s start with HOME. A simple idea. A place to call my own, to do whatever I wished, to decorate, do-over, upgrade, etc.BUT with generous repay options from Mister Tom Nook…this is all suddenly feasible (with minimal moving pain and woes). It takes a few seconds to change wall layout, spread carpets, or change floors. Expanding your house size can be done as quickly as your grindy heart desires, or left to your leisure.

Inside isn’t the only thing you can customize, the outside roof, siding, door and mailbox are included too. You can truly make it yours, and there’s something insanely satisfying when you pay off your digital loan. (Because who knows when the real life loans will be paid off) It’s also really enjoyable to visit friends and see how their layout differs. Maybe they have cool items you could swipe the DIY recipe for! Oh, and speaking of friends, that leads us to our next topic.

Animal Crossing islands have a capacity of 10 animal neighbors that inhabit your town. They each have their own greeting and catch phrase! AC wouldn’t be the same without these villagers. Especially during the past year, I couldn’t see friends in real life, but Fang the cranky wolf invited me over at 5pm and I reminded myself that I have someone looking out for me, and there’s no way I’m going to be late for that. Seriously, the way the villagers have grown and developed over the past titles is amazing. Reminding you that it’s okay to take a break.

In beautiful conclusion, Animal Crossing has what we need. A tranquil place to create and socialize, room to grow and thrive, sprinkle in some positive reinforcement and attainable goals, all the while an rhythmic and gentle soundtrack plays in the distance.

Yep, that seems like a life I could really get behind.